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Sussex Prarie Gardens Traffic Management

The Sussex Prarie Gardens in West Sussex holds it’s ‘Unusual Plant & Art Fair’ annually at the end of their summer season. The Gardens are affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society & can have a large number of attendees to their events. Up until this year the staff at the gardens had run their own car parking system but had felt overwhelmed with the amount of traffic of previous years. Sussex Events Ltd got the call for assistance.

Adam had been for several meetings with the clients on site in the run up to the event and an event /traffic management plan was formulated to run the car parking. The gardens are surrounded by 3 large fields that were designated as the specific car parks, each working on an overflow basis so as CP1 became full the team on the ground would send vehicles through to CP2 and so on.

For the day of the event SEL provided 7 staff and all the required equipment for the parking. This included cones, fencing, barriers and communications kit as well as support vehicles & staff welfare facilities. The team were on duty from 7:30am til 5:30pm and parked in excess of 2000 vehicles throughout the day, with the majority arriving in a short 2 hour window. The clients were extremely happy with the support they received and we have already been provisionally booked for next year!


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